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Coming to Australia

Skilled Migrant Profile

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State Sponsored Migration Program Requirements

State Sponsored Migration Program requires the applicant to obtain sponsorship from the state where their occupation is listed and they wish to settle. To obtain sponsorship the applicant must meet the sponsorship criteria of that particular state in addition to the general skilled migration criteria. All states of Australia require an applicant to:

  • Have their occupation listed in the “Skills in demand List “of the state.
  • Have been assessed by the relevant authority on their education and skills to meet the demands of their occupation.
  • Be proficient in English (To know the exact requirement of IELTS please view the individual “Skills in Demand” Lists of all states).
  • Have enough funds to maintain themselves and their families while living in that state (To know the exact requirements of funds availability please view the “Guidelines / Requirements” section of each state.
  • Be committed to live, work and benefit that state for atleast the first two years of their migration.
  • Apply to the state authority by submitting a formal application as per the instructions given on the authority’s website.

If the formal requirements of submitting a “State Sponsorship” application are not met properly, the state authority may reject the application causing the applicant to reapply. The states charge a fee for this sponsorship application which ranges from 200 AUD to 300 AUD.